Cathedral Oaks Athletic Club Santa Barbara Athletic Club Originally, these 4-page, 2-color newsletters were included with members’ monthly billing. To save on printing and mailing costs, a pdf only newsletter was created. Because we weren’t limited by inks...
Previously, the newsletter was a 2-page printed publication. To reduce costs, a pdf/online version was created.
Newsletter This is a 4-page self mailing newsletter. This is a multi-page self mailing brochure/program for this Association conference. Conference Program The page numbers vary over the years from 24 to 36 pages. The cover changes depending on location e.g. when the...
This is a French Fold 17×22 newsletter geared to solicit funding for the program. It featured an animal friendly business directory and details on the different programs that the organization provides.
This printed newsletter was re-purposed from the on-line version of “The Same Page”, a publication of BellSouth and Cisco Systems. This was available as a pdf alternative to the on-line format.