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Lois Phillips

This flyer was targeted at board members of non-profit organizations and at corporate managers. For each version, the tone of the wording was changed as well as the color to reflect the respective market. Ms. Phillips company’s focus is: leading and managing...

Full Spectrum Recovery

Web A re-designed WordPress site advertising services of a counseling practice. The desire was to have new content on a monthly basis, offering social media, and workshop advertisements. Advertisements Full Spectrum Recovery and Counseling Center began a new program...


(International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals) Southern California For the Southern California chapter of the IAEDP this graphic was designed to be used on their printed postcard, email invitation and website. This website served as an information site...

Antioch University

Antioch UniversityPresidential Inauguration and 30th anniversary invitation and RSVP card using the medallion as the presidential seal. Medallion Invitation RSVP Brochure and Flyers The color brochure is targeting international students The focus is the fun and beauty...

Inamed Acadamy

Women’s Leadership Conference These ads were developed for the Women’s Leadership Conference which featured Marcy Carsey. The first was for the Santa Barbara NewsPress and the second was for the Coastal Woman Magazine. A website  and conference program...