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Goleta City Council Elections


Campaign graphics for City Council Candidate Jack Hawxhurst. City of Goleta. He was elected in the November 2001 election. He served as Mayor of Goleta November 2002 – November 2003.

Dutcher Design created logo, lawn sign, newsletters, remittance envelope, postcard, letterhead and campaign button.


For the 3 incumbents running for re-election, a joint campaign postcard was designed for direct mail. It was used as a newspaper ad as well.


4×9 Postcard for all incumbents

For Jack Hawxhurst, a direct mail flyer with either a “no LA” sign or “lawn” sign printed on the back. Also developed: door hangers, website, lawn signs, handout flyers,
and newspaper ad.

flyers, envelope, window signs, door hangers

Ad for the newspaper


lawn sign